Helse og Sykdom
Helse Og Sykdom

Sykehusapotek bøker gratis for nedlasting?

Her er noen bøker relatert til sykehusapotek som er tilgjengelig for gratis nedlasting:

1. Hospital Pharmacy av William E. Evans:

• PDF:https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.510735/page/n3/mode/2up

2. Applied Pharmacokinetics &Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Hospital Pharmacy Practice av V.R. Rao, et al.:

• PDF:https://www.pharmabooklibrary.com/index.php

3. Clinical Pharmacy and Hospital Pharmacy 3. utgave av H.P. Tipnis, et al.:

• PDF:https://bookboon.com/en/medical-and-science-2/medical-education

4. Modern Hospital Pharmacy (3. utgave) av N K Jain:

• PDF:http://medical-ebooks-4u.com/shop/286-modern-hospital-pharmacy

5. Remington:The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, Twenty Third Edition - Pharmacy in Hospital:

• PDF:https://archive.org/details/0398_7437_Remington-TheScienceandPractice/mode/2up

6. Veiledning for behandling av sykehusformularer:

• PDF:https://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/pdfs/ps-hospital-formulary-mgmt-03-29-11.pdf

7. APhA-veiledningen til pasientsentrert sykehusapotek av:William W. Dong et al

• PDF:https://aphanet.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/guide36-508tagged.pdf#_Toc222934057

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