* [HUD.gov](https://www.hud.gov/)
* [HUD's Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity](https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp)
* [HUDs kontor for bolig- og samfunnsutvikling](https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/housing/community-development)
* [HUDs kontor for offentlige og indiske boliger](https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/public_indian_housing)
* National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC)
* [NLIHC.org](https://nlihc.org/)
* [NLIHCs ressurssenter for lavinntektsboligskattekreditt](https://nlihc.org/issues/housing/housing-credit-resource-center)
* [NLIHCs Section 8 Housing Assistance Program Guide](https://nlihc.org/issues/housing/section-8-housing-assistance-program-guide)
* Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)
* [CBPP.org](https://cbpp.org/)
* [CBPPs Housing Assistance Programs for People with Disabilities](https://cbpp.org/research/housing/housing-assistance-programs-for-people-with-disabilities)
* [CBPPs The State of the Nation's Housing 2023](https://cbpp.org/research/housing/the-state-of-the-nations-housing-2023)
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